The aim of this build is to never be in the fight yourself. Simply Backlash behind a target before laying waste to their health with a huge array of different skills. A classic rogue build that is all about taking out one target at a time: rather than worrying about the entire fight. Then you chip away at them with a vast array of different spells.

You use a combination of Rain, Winter Blast, and Electrical Discharge to make sure your foes are always falling over or stunned. The aim of this build is simple, never let your enemies move. This also makes skills like Bone Cage and Earthquake more effective, though at greater risk to yourself. If you prefer a more hands-on approach, you can easily convert this into a Battlemage build by putting a couple of points into Warfare, for the Whirlwind skill, among others. Then you can stroll around and Summon Bloated Corpse from the remains of your foes.

Well, this build turns that into a huge buff and will have you converting everything around you into poison thanks to the Contamination ability. The Undead in Divinity: Original Sin 2 get a rough deal when it comes to healing, needing to resort to poison flasks or spells to regain health. The strategy is simple, buff yourself with Sparking Swings, jump into the fray using Phoenix Dive, then unleash a quick Whirlwind to destroy everyone around you rapidly. Without any further ado, here is a list of some of the best Divinity: Original Sin 2 builds. Other than that, these builds are all focussed on a single attack stat that way, you can get the most damage possible out of each attack. No matter what build you go for, you need to remember to put enough points into memory to stay alive. Divinity: Original Sin 2 builds are incredibly varied thanks to the robust skill system found within the game.